(not exceeding the 90 days period)


Where can you submit your application?

Applicants should contact VFS GLOBAL directly (https://visa.vfsglobal.com/irn/en/hun) in order to arrange an appointment for C visa application submission. The Consulate of the Embassy of Hungary in Tehran does NOT accept C visa applications on its premisis.




­­Basic rules for the issuance of Schengen visas

Short stay uniform visa (C): Authorize the bearer for a single, double or multiple entries. In case of an uninterrupted stay, a stay of maximum 90 days. While in case of an interrupted stay, a stay of altogether maximum 90 days within the period of 180 days counted from the date of first entry.

The Visa application is admissible only if­:

a) the application is lodged within the period of six months from the intended visit.

b) the applicant  presents completed and signed application form

The application form could be downloaded here . New form will be used from 28 June 2024, you can find them here: pdf and word.

c) the applicant shall present a valid travel document satisfying the following criteria:

- it shall contain at least two blank pages

- it shall have been issued within the previous 10 years

- its validity shall extend at least three months after the intended date of departure from the territory of the member States or, in the case of several visits, after the last intended date of departure from the territory of the Member States; the applicant shall present passport-size colour photo (not older than 6 months);

- biometric data have been collected (if applicable)

- visa fee has been collected.

Requested documents:

You can find the list of requested documents on the website of VFS Global Ltd.:



Please be informed that the Tables on the recognition of travel documents by Hungary published on the website of the Council of the European Union, under the link:  



When applying for a short stay uniform visa (Schengen C-type), please be aware of the followings:

  • The enumeration of supporting documents found of the VFS website is a non-exhaustive list.
  • The list of the supporting documents is defined by the Consular Section following the local conditions and circumstances; it is changeable at any time. 
  • Consul may request for the presentation of further documents or certificates in addition to the ones already attached to the application. The visa process takes approximately 3 weeks, including the delivery of the decision. In individual cases, according to law decision upon the visa, the period may extend up to the maximum of 45 calendar days.

Please be aware, that the visa is only a preliminary permission for entry, which does not authorize its bearer automatically to enter the country. The traveller may be requested to provide proof of the existence of the conditions of his/her entry and stay in Hungary and, if he/she is not able to fulfil this, he/she may be returned from the border.


The conditions for the refusal of visa application:

• false, counterfeit or forged travel document.

• unable to prove the purpose and conditions of the intended stay.

• does not certify, that he/she has sufficient means of subsistence both for the duration of the intended stay, and for the return to his/her country of origin or residence.

• has exceeded the maximum duration of authorized stay within the same 6 months period in the territory of the Member States.

• is a person for whom an alert has been issued in the Schengen Information System (SIS)  refusing entry.

• is considered to be a threat to public policy, internal security or public health, international relations of any of the Member States, in particular where alert has been issued in Member States national databases for the purpose of refusing entry on the same ground.

• is not in possession of adequate and valid travel medical insurance where applicable.

• Information submitted regarding the justification for the purpose and conditions of the intended stay was not reliable.

• Applicant’s intention to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa could not be ascertained.

• Sufficient proof that the applicant has not been in a position to apply for a visa in advance justifying application for a visa at the border was not provided.

The consul using the common refusal form with the reasons of refusal. In case of refusal, the consulate will not reimburse the visa fee.


Appeal procedure

Every applicant has the right to appeal. If the application/visa has been refused, annulled or revoked:

  • Appeal has to be made personally by the applicant at the Embassy of Hungary in Tehran. 
  • The application must be submitted within the eight (8) calendar days from the date of receiving the decision.
  • 3 calendar days within the date of receiving the decision for the annulment or revocation of a visa.

The Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade decides on the appeals within 15 days and on the appeals against decision for the annulment or revocation of a visa within 5 days.

The appeal should be lodged in written form and it should be signed by the applicant. The fee of the appeal procedure should be paid at the same time when submitting the appeal. The mentioned fee can only be paid in EUR and only in cash. The fee for the appeal procedure cannot be reimbursed, not even in case of a positive decision.

There is no possibility for the reduction of the fee.

The appeal judgment may be subject to judicial review. In case of refusal a new application may be submitted at any time but the visa fee has to be paid again.